How Is A Home Marketed?


As you’ll see in the video, every home and market is a unique situation. Good marketing plans are specific to both. But every plan will include: Preparation Pricing and Marketing Activities.

Preparation takes time – typically, months. Homes must be in “show” condition all repairs and upgrades complete and all photos and video completed before the home goes on the market.

Pricing, likewise, should be planned in advance. Your broker will advise on both the best price and the best TERMS things like closing costs and seller credits to balance sales speed with sales price. Once the home is on the market it will quickly be entered in the MLS and will show up in Internet searches by agents and buyers.

Your broker will advise other marketing activities including advertising, signage, showing and open house events so make the best of your situation. Their aim is to get negotiable offers, and then take the offer you accept through the closing process.

How Do I Set The Price On My House?


While this video simplifies things to help you remember: your aim is to get the best price AND terms in your market during the period you’re selling.

Market conditions interest rates and competition all matter.

The price you want, and the price a buyer will pay are framed by those complex conditions So pricing isn’t completely predictable.

Other factors include:

  • How your home compares to other homes for the same buyers
  • The inventory of homes and the level of buyer demand

Your needs also affect negotiations – for example, if you must sell quickly – but the final price will be determined by the market not by your needs.

Buyers look at the same comparables and market conditions and they want to pay as little as possible while meeting their needs.

Remember that the price isn’t the entire deal – repairs, closing, points, appliances and other factors can all change the value you finally receive. Listen to your broker, stay informed, be patient if you can and make your best reasonable, unemotional decisions.

What Details Can I Ask Brokers In Advance?


This video tells you what any real estate professional would tell you. Ask them:

  • How long do homes in my neighborhood currently stay on the market?
  • How would you price my home?
  • What data did you use to arrive at that price?
  • How would you market my home?
  • What activities would you expect of me to market my home?
  • How will you handle representation if one of your buyers is interested in my home?
  • May I speak with sellers you’ve recently represented?
  • How long a period would you want on a listing agreement for my house?

It’s best to ask these questions, and be comfortable with your choices before signing a listing agreement.

Which Square Footage Figure Should I Use?


Home size is one of the key figures used in comparisons.

But you may have different measurements to choose from,  as you’ll learn in this video, including builder, appraiser, tax records and possibly owner records.

Which one is right, and which one is best?

The official figure is the one in tax records – typically, the county.

Any other figure must be documented by a builder’s floor plan

an appraisal or an official floor plan, prepared by a company for a fee.

If your house has been remodeled and you’re planning to sell

you may want to confirm that the official record matches your actual house – and update if required.

Most lenders will require an appraisal which will verify the figures you used. So be accurate and keep records to make the most of your sale.


6 Selling Mistakes


If you’re selling, don’t do these things – take some notes from the video!
1. Don’t Sell Before The House Is Ready.

If it doesn’t present well, it won’t sell well.

2. Don’t Over-Improve

People buy houses in neighborhoods.

If yours is so “improved” that it sticks out you’re hurting your chances at selling.

3. Hire Wrong

Make your agent choice for business reasons.

Personal relationships matter, but experience and expertise will determine financial success in your sale.

4. Don’t Hide Anything

Covering up or ‘failing to mention’ real problems doesn’t work.

State disclosure laws are strict and you can be sued after the sale for anything that should have been made clear.

5. Don’t Rush

You should know about your mortgage, including pre-payment penalties your market conditions and trends and your options for your next home before jumping on the market.

6. Don’t Get Too Emotional

Your attachment to your house and your own financial needs

don’t really matter in the transaction.

If you can’t set them aside the sale won’t go as you’d like it to.

Remember – it was your home but to the buyer it’s as a house.